electric bill

2262 baht, I'm happy with that, it beats paying for electric and gas in the UK
Back in 1981, living on top of the hill in the middle of Wiltshire, RAF Upavon (HQ 38 Gp), in a RAF married quarter, my oil bill for the central heating was £ 290 for the quarter. That's the best part of 4,000 baht per month and that was 37 years ago. Frigging expensive! And my salary was probably less than my pension too.
I used to leave my beer bottles out on the Soi anytime in the week and they were gone within the hour! Now with the car I take them to grandma to sell
I used to leave my beer bottles out on the Soi anytime in the week and they were gone within the hour! Now with the car I take them to grandma to sell
And, looking at your meager food offerings on the other thread, beer bottles must be the only rubbish you generate.
Yes but don’t officers get to live in mansions? they gave me a hammock
Did the office in charge make a mistake? I didn't think you were tall enough to get up and into a hammock. Surely, a blanket on the floor and under the hammocks would have been a better option. :D:D:D
Did the office in charge make a mistake? I didn't think you were tall enough to get up and into a hammock. Surely, a blanket on the floor and under the hammocks would have been a better option. :D:D:D

Blankets on the floor............don't remind me! My miss-spent youth! :D;);)