Escape Route?


Resident Geek
"The government is planning to boost Cambodia’s attractiveness as a second-home tourist destination for foreign retirees, according to a draft policy obtained from the Ministry of Tourism Wednesday.

The draft includes a range of proposals to extract more income from Cambodia’s tourist industry by encouraging foreigners to buy property and stay longer in the country, with involvement from the ministries of tourism, finance and land management."
Ok Guys. If the shit did hit the fan here one day, what part of Cambodia would you favour to relocate to?
Difficult since I have only visited Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville and Battambang.

Having lived on the coast at Jomtien Beach for 14 years, I have had enough of beaches. .

Would likely plump intiially for Siem Reap, but ideally out of town.
Is it true that you :
(1) do not require seasoning money in a Cambodian bank to make the annual visa?
(2) do not have to report to any office during the one year until you renew your visa?
I would probably base myself in Phnom Penh whilst I considered the options.

I actually like Koh Kong. I prefer Kep and Kampot has potential.

Battambang is too remote for me and Siem Reap too touristy for full time occupation.

The seaside will always appeal to me so Sihanoukville will always be a consideration - especially as it tidies itself up a bit.
Is it true that you :
(1) do not require seasoning money in a Cambodian bank to make the annual visa?
(2) do not have to report to any office during the one year until you renew your visa?

Not only do you not have to don't even report to any one except a travel agent to do your 1 year, multi entry business visa. Pay the fee and wait 4 days for it's return.. Originally get a 1 entry business visa from the Embassy in Bangkok with a provided photo and that's the photo used for each yearly renewal as they have it on computer...simple no idiots involved.
Not only do you not have to don't even report to any one except a travel agent to do your 1 year, multi entry business visa. Pay the fee and wait 4 days for it's return.. Originally get a 1 entry business visa from the Embassy in Bangkok with a provided photo and that's the photo used for each yearly renewal as they have it on computer...simple no idiots involved.
1) How many USD or THB is that "business visa" ?
2) Is that "biz" visa the one someone would make to reside there long-term?
What's all this talk about being an onerous task Coffee. If I could be bothered to troll back through your posts and quote them back to you. You made out, you almost enjoyed jumping through hoops all the time yelling "Yes Sir" all the while.
Then telling all of us complainers, to in so many words "Suck it up baby". I am just wondering what changed your mind in this regard.
What's all this talk about being an onerous task Coffee. If I could be bothered to troll back through your posts and quote them back to you. You made out, you almost enjoyed jumping through hoops all the time yelling "Yes Sir" all the while.
Then telling all of us complainers, to in so many words "Suck it up baby". I am just wondering what changed your mind in this regard.
I think there is a name for that type of person but for the life of me, I cannot remember what it is?

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Nothing has changed with regards to my point of view, Rice.
If one decides to make their life in another c**t-tree then it was their own choice...same as deciding to choose a mate.

One thereby has decided that one will put up with the parameters (bull shit) or inconvenience in order to exist with ones own choice.
If one doesn't like their own choice they are free to remove themselves at any time or move on. "Free bird."

I still stand by that thought process. Possibly I'm pragmatic.

Thailand hasn't kept anything hidden from long-term expats and visitors eyes.
You knew the rigamorole prior to making your choice.
So KCI wants to visit residences. Who cares? I don't. They have their reasons.

As simple as it is to make a visa in Cambodia one must remember how easy is it is for 'less savoury' characters to reside there too.
If you believe Cambodia's infrastructure, medical facilities, security and future are better than Thailand - then why not take the plunge?

Only 7,000 bhat and I'm sure a Thai gets a free pass.
Ask any of your Thai partners if they want to live in Cambodia.
I'd like to read what they said and the why from fellow members.

I never wrote "Suck it up, baby" - but in this instance it sounds about right.
I think there is a name for that type of person but for the life of me, I cannot remember what it is?
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The word you're probably thinking of is hypocrite. That is someone that says one thing and does the opposite.

I'm not planning to make my life in "Kampuchea" , Cambodia or Cambodjia.

I've always written that if I got tired of IMM requirements in LOS I would move on.
Exactly where? I'm not sure...but yes, it's good to have an exit plan. PRK , VN , Malaysia or Laos.
Sadly I have no Thai farm or R/E, no Thai wife, no Thai kids.
I have no debt ;therefore, I am a free bird. ;;victory;;

That does not make me a hypocrite, dude. :mask: