Foreigners Overstaying their Visa’s to Be Blacklisted from Thailand


Kap Chong R Us Member
Foreigners Overstaying their Visa’s to Be Blacklisted from Thailand

BANGKOK – Immigration Bureau chief Pol Lt Gen Nathathorn Prausoontorn said on Wednesday that Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha had approved the bureau’s proposal on Nov 27 to fine and ban over-stayers from re-entering the country for some years depending on the length of their overstay.

People who overstay will be treated according to whether they turn themselves in or are arrested the Bangkok Post reported.

For cases of surrender, those who overstay their visa by up to one year will receive a one-year re-entry ban, and for more than one year they will be banned from re-entering Thailand for three years. Those with more than three years’ overstay will blacklisted for five years. Excessive overstay of five years or more will result in a re-entry ban of 10 years.

In cases of arrest, those who overstay their visas by up to one year will be banned from re-entering Thailand for five years and those with more than one year’s overstay period will be blacklisted for 10 years.

Full story: http://www.chiangrai...m-thailand.html

-- Chiang Rai Times 2015-12-10
IMHO I surmise it would be best to turn oneself in rather than be arrested.
I quite like the idea of cooking a few Farangs in boiling oil for overstaying their visas. However, I may just go out of my way to try and save this one:
View attachment 12507

I'd venture that SWMBO wòuld have plenty of wood tò burn if she saw that pic and read your post...after the machete and feeding the soi dogs. ;;girl;;
Confirmation of the OP



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