Foreigners Overstaying their Visa’s to Be Blacklisted from Thailand

Those getting 'blacklisted' will be those who haven't the resources to pay their way out of it. By the way, if you go home and conveniently 'lose' your passport and get a new one, would it have different numbers? If so, would you then be able to enter on the new passport with new ID numbers? Just wondering. Personally if you've overstayed a year or more why not just toss them out and give them a permanent blacklist ban. They are obviously too skint, too stupid, or too arrogant to let stay in the country in my opinion. Bailiff, whack their peepees!
He may want to borrow the fine fees and get legal soon then. If he is caught he will be tossed and not be able to return for what? 10Years?
He may want to borrow the fine fees and get legal soon then. If he is caught he will be tossed and not be able to return for what? 10Years?

He is somewhere else in Thailand with hardly any farangs in his village. But he has been notified and still does not get it.
And, can he even make the financial requirements for his new visa even after paying the fines? Sounds like he may be f**ked. Seems Thailand is now on a 'no cheap charlies' kick. Quality tourists and expats only please. There are likely quite a few old dudes not being able to pass muster and shown the door. I'm going back to a marriage O visa myself, as it is only half the money to show compared to a Retiree visa, which gives you some room to play with if they start upping the amounts you need to show for annual incomes. 400,000 baht compared to 800,000 baht annual income or cash saved or both combined. Still haven't understood how a married guy only needs 400K and a single retired guy needs 800K. 555555555
He is somewhere else in Thailand with hardly any farangs in his village. But he has been notified and still does not get it.

Well, I hope he has the airfare to go home. He'd not like a long term stay in the Immi jail I'd think.
Maybe he does get it - maybe he's fed up with life here (as I've read that many are) and is waiting to get bounced.
Possibly he's waiting to see if the family will help him out when he's in need (lol). :kissingheart:

Maybe once he's 'apprehended and blacklisted' he can catch the border bus into Cambodia and start anew ?

Whatever bed one makes is the bed they sleep in.
And maybe not Mr Juan Valdez. GL already stated this "He says to broke". Reading comprehension is an asset. :disappointed:
16 years late how's he been living if "he's too broke" ? o_O

Likely hand to mouth on a small pension which he can not save much if anything from after paying rent, buying food, electric, water, etc. There are plenty of pensioners living on the edge in Thailand without a pot to piss in once their living expenses are paid. They don't want to leave, but cannot really afford to stay. And they have no social safety net for medical expenses... and visa expenses once they screw up for one reason or another. I've met plenty enough over the past two decades there.
If that's the case then I readily understand as why KÇI is playing hardball. If they can't pony-up the cost of their visa I can begin to understand the Thais perspective.

In America it seems to be "agaìnst the law" to allow those without means to fall through the cracks. Here the 35 bhat healthcare scheme is truly a blessing ...but pray Buddha that your family takes care of your support cuz the Thai Gov't will not ; same as in many nations.

No wonder so many want to make their way to 'Western ' benefit nations.
As well this is the exactly why the chorus "get yourself a farang to help our family " is shouted throughout the villages.
"If that's the case then I readily understand as why KÇI is playing hardball. If they can't pony-up the cost of their visa I can begin to understand the Thais perspective."

They drain you dry and toss you away showing big disrespect and disdain because you are no longer 'rich'. If you have enough money to pay off the money grubbing corrupt cunts you can do damned near anything though. It's all about the money, and their Buddhist principles are mostly a sham for many, not all, but the country is definitely becoming nothing more than a consumerist cesspool, dog eat dog, and still corrupt as all hell. I feel sorry at times for the guys you see that have been stripped of all their assets and then just tossed aside. Fools, yeah, but some/many of the guys come here totally unarmed to resist the siren's call of lust and even love. Easy prey. When I see it I am totally disgusted. And I have seen quite a few over the years taken to the cleaners by unscrupulous Thais. It's f**king sad. Should be a sign over the Customs entry that says, 'Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here and Hold On To Your Wallet Dudes'. 55555 :grimacing:

And think about it, Coffee, one big expensive medical problem would wipe out many expats here. Or a big rise in the financial costs for visas and how much you need to qualify for that visa to stay long time here. The new government is the same, or worse, than the old governments they overthrew. And anti farang sentiment, at least in the government halls of power, seems to be growing every week. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, and worse IMHO.
Reminder to self.....check escape route.

I find it strange and quite foolish how many take all their assets from the west and place it almost totally in the hands of their Thai counterpart. They leave themselves totally vulnerable to a calamity in so many ways. It boggles the mind how many tempt fate and have no way, no money, nothing back in the west, to give them that escape route. It's like walking into a casino and placing everything you have on one spin of the Roulette wheel. I've always had my escape route ready if it all went to shit for any of a myriad of reasons. And never had all my eggs in one basket, especially a Thai controlled basket (or bank). 5555

That old gem of, 'Never invest more than you can lose and walk away from in Thailand' is sage advice.
I'll add, I love Thailand, my wife, its people, the weather and beaches, foods, etc. etc. But some need to show their Mama that she didn't raise no damn fool. LOL
Good words Cent but not mine. When you are a nomad you carry your life with you, no going back and no return. Make the most of what you have wherever you are. Enjoy it while you can. Put your trust in God but tether your camels at night (an old Arabic proverb). All I need is the money for a ticket out of here and a sense of adventure to find a new future. The notion of returning from whence I came never enters my head and never will. I will always follow the motto of the Royal Air Force, "Per Ardua ad Astra", most commonly translated as "Through Struggles to the Stars". Onwards and upwards always!