Nookies Delivery Schedule, now bi-weekly to Surin,Krasang & Prachonchai

Are we going to find out what happened to Nookie's foot. Or do we just start the conjecture now.

Can I start? He dropped a frozen pork leg on his toe ?
Are we going to find out what happened to Nookie's foot. Or do we just start the conjecture now.

Can I start? He dropped a frozen pork leg on his toe ?
Don't think he would be that stupid unless it's a new trend in our neighboring province???

I suspect a massage lady tried to bite his toe off!

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I made a point of taking my UWA (ultra wide angle) lens to 214 today and the bugger arrived in one of his old 2 button shirts!

My wife went shopping today for some new black/white sombre shirts. They came in one size "fits all". Now that's OK for Thai girls because they are generally all roughly the same size. I'm not sure about Nookie.
My wife went shopping today for some new black/white sombre shirts. They came in one size "fits all". Now that's OK for Thai girls because they are generally all roughly the same size. I'm not sure about Nookie.
One size fits all does not fit me either. And I am slightly less cuddly than Nookie too!