On the move?

Confirming what has been said earlier
This morning instead of reporting my 90 day online I went to the Surin Immigration Office.
They are moving
Well is that not the worst news ever? It not the going to KCI that bothers me. It is the dreadful people there and their toxic work culture.
What an appalling step backwards. Back to the scowling bitch from hell.
She is mentally ill, I am certain of it!
Ahhh...so the stamp indeed will be back-dated.
No. There is no back dating involved, you are simply collecting after the extension has been agreed - because it is approved elsewhere - it will always carry the same 'renewal' date each year.

My expiry date is 19th June 2025 which I obtained on the 22nd March.

Get your head round that one......you will no doubt want to say it is foreward -dated.
No. There is no back dating involved, you are simply collecting after the extension has been agreed - because it is approved elsewhere - it will always carry the same 'renewal' date each year.

My expiry date is 19th June 2025 which I obtained on the 22nd March.

Get your head round that one......you will no doubt want to say it is foreward -dated.

But CO-Co you are the one that told me on another thread [post#81 'Applying For Visa Based On Marriage'] that I was in "NO-man's land" awaiting approval when I changed from a Visa Extension based on Retirement to a Visa Extension based on a Thai Spouse.

Note: not that I really give a crapolla at this juncture going off topic on this thread. :)

>>>Seriously...back to KC for each and every immigration requirement or letter for another authority.
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Well is that not the worst news ever? It not the going to KCI that bothers me. It is the dreadful people there and their toxic work culture.
What an appalling step backwards. Back to the scowling bitch from hell.
She is mentally ill, I am certain of it!
She has a problem.
But CO-Co you are the one that told me on another thread [post#81 'Applying For Visa Based On Marriage'] that I was in "NO-man's land" awaiting approval when I changed from a Visa Extension based on Retirement to a Visa Extension based on a Thai Spouse.

Note: not that I really give a crapolla at this juncture going off topic on this thread. :)

>>>Seriously...back to KC for each and every immigration requirement or letter for another authority.
Any info @gotlost ...or others ? (Any photos?)

With your knowledgable reply I'll be able to guage the reliabilty of the explanation provided by Imm-Surin this morning.
I was waiting for @gotlost to reply. The new building was completed 2 years ago and as far as I know the old one is still standing for now.
I was waiting for @gotlost to reply. The new building was completed 2 years ago and as far as I know the old one is still standing for now.

Is IMM-KC utilising that brand new complex for visa processing and extensions ?
Can any member validate ?
Maybe it is only being used for storage of the forests-worth of photocopies that are requested in connection with extensions...
True, Last time there they asked for a copy of every page of my passport blank ones as well.