I always had you figured for a philanthropist
...now I understand you better...you'd rather just get pissed
That IMHO would in the majority of cases result as the better decision when dealing with one's family.
I continually make the major mistake of
sympathizing and trying to assist in making life a tad gentler...that usually turns out to be a major mistake on my part.
It must be the
compassion within one that stifles the expat from making the better choice, eh.
[Er hon-nee, tell me again...it will only take B 5,000 to prevent your Mum from going to jail.
Hmm...now ask yourself what would an astute, intelligent and pragmatic fellow really say in reply to the anguished appeal from one's partner ?
(Yup, it takes really big balls to make the best decision, doesn't it.)]