**** sucking scamming Khmer Immigration

Last three times when I have made this u-turn in Osmach, they have been asking this 300 Thb extra because not staying overnight in Cambodia.
Every time I have told them I don´t pay because I have never paid that before, immigration officer always answers "Ok, never mind!!!" and thats it.
Is there any need to be "stamped out"? There appears to be so many folks wandering about there probably no-one would notice if you just sauntered into Thai immigration without bothering with the Kmer exit office.
And, albeit many years ago, a Farang that I know didn't even enter Cambodia (i.e. didn't purchase a visa), he just turned around and re-entered Thailand. Maybe he wouldn't get away with that now.
I think the Thai immigration automatically look to see that you have both entered and left Cambodia, before stamping you back in
The Farang in question was refused a Cambodian visa.

[Because he refused to pay more than US$25.00, the official price at the time]

An interesting situation.

Having been stamped out of Thailand, you enter what is effectively "no mans land". With the full intention of entering Cambodia, and then being scammed over the visa cost, you refuse to buy, cannot enter Cambodia and then return from where you had just come.

Does that constitute having left Thailand, and being eligible for a 30 days entry, or extension, or would Thailand just cancel the departure stamp? My guess is the latter.

Perhaps Yorky can recall what happended to his friend..
In 2013 I witnessed a farang try the inter with no Cambodian visa at Chong Chom and the Thai I/O sent him packing back across. In 2011 I saw the same thing tried at Mai Sai with the same results. I also have witnessed farangs tearing out the Cambodian visa from their passport because they were out of pages.
An interesting situation.

Having been stamped out of Thailand, you enter what is effectively "no mans land". With the full intention of entering Cambodia, and then being scammed over the visa cost, you refuse to buy, cannot enter Cambodia and then return from where you had just come.

Does that constitute having left Thailand, and being eligible for a 30 days entry, or extension, or would Thailand just cancel the departure stamp? My guess is the latter.

Perhaps Yorky can recall what happended to his friend..

have done a couple of these quick U-turns myself, without being spotted
it is not recommended, if caught you're in shit - not deep shit but still in shit (I did it 'cause lack of time and very long line ups)
Perhaps Yorky can recall what happended to his friend..

It was a long time ago (c. 2007 maybe). He was on a multi entry "O" and according to him (and I've no reason to disbelieve him) he explained to the Thai immigration that the Kmers wouldn't give him a visa and they just stamped him back in.
I also have witnessed farangs tearing out the Cambodian visa from their passport because they were out of pages.

Surely then they would have one less page (or two sides of a page). The pages are numbered for a reason.