Rather wrinkly & occasionally cantankerous member
This is the case in the greater amount of farmers Colin. If you cannot store you can get 9 Baht subsidy price. Listening to the big boss on TV last night I suggest he is not paranoid and the millers are in collusion with political entity's to drive the price further down then it is. Strange how all 17 of The Thai rice millers association resigned yesterday after this suggestion. Not that the millers actually like any one political leaning, the greedy bastards saw huge profits in doing so at the expense of the whole nation. Wreaks of being a traitor to the nation and their heads should be placed on pikes, but that is just my opinion.
Does anybody think I am coming over a wee bit too strong? This is what happens when you live in a rice field and know intimately of the farmers plight.
I read a rant from a farmer in the Thai press the other day he said the same thing gave his name and address and said "Come and get me. But please make sure you put me out of misery quick as I can't take the torture any longer".
Oh Dear!
Spot on.
People are getting rich on 6 Baht - and it ain't the farmers.