The Price of Rice

Direct-sale rice markets spring up in growing areas

Nice story but where they state "MAY EVEN EXPORT RICE TO CHINA & AUSTRALIA"
This is actually illegal under the law as the government has stated "Thai farmers do not have the maturity to do such deals".
Mind you I believe this law is just a ploy to control all rice exports. Thailand is a long way from a free market. It is all set up so greedy middle men can exploit the poor in every tier of the economy. Trickle down does not work. Trump will find this out if he wins. He will turn the US into a larger version of Thailand.
The last I heard, the impoverished Thai rice farmer was getting between 8-9 thb per kilo.
We bought 50kg of Thai rice last week and paid 66 thb per kg.
f**king criminal.
Nice story but where they state "MAY EVEN EXPORT RICE TO CHINA & AUSTRALIA"
This is actually illegal under the law as the government has stated "Thai farmers do not have the maturity to do such deals".
Mind you I believe this law is just a ploy to control all rice exports. Thailand is a long way from a free market. It is all set up so greedy middle men can exploit the poor in every tier of the economy. Trickle down does not work. Trump will find this out if he wins. He will turn the US into a larger version of Thailand.

We grow enough rice here in Australia and export to other countries. I bought some Jasmine rice the other day, it was grown in Australia and a lot better than Thai jasmine.. That was said by SDWMBODKZ or whatever the grovelling expats call their wives.
We grow enough rice here in Australia and export to other countries. I bought some Jasmine rice the other day, it was grown in Australia and a lot better than Thai jasmine.. That was said by SDWMBODKZ or whatever the grovelling expats call their wives.
You Aussie convicts do not understand us Pommie bastards one little bit. SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) is nothing at all to do with grovelling Pommies, its all to do with taking the piss! If you like a good yarn you may enjoy the series .....

Nomad, surely Surin was taking a piss...a piss with a slightly longer acronym. :D
She should be regaled as TOWWTTITF...
aka The One Who Wears The Trousers In The Family :rolleyes:
The rice bahn is full and next years seed set aside. Job done, rice to eat, to plant and a lot left to sell. For my Thai family it has never really been a commercial exercise growing rice, more just something you do every year after the first rains start. Well that's fine but.... this ATM is in the box for about 70K baht in external costs that simply vanished. I am sure there are many others in a similar position.
This year we had about 35Rai of Hom Mali 105 and yielding about 14.5 ton. Cost of production 5.77 baht/kg. So 5 baht/kg is a loss. Currently the locals are getting up to 6.4 baht for good quality Mali. Not much better.
Oh well, we must live up to the expectations of the family even if we can't get the financial message across.
Interesting narrative. Thank you your post.

Consider yourself lucky as it keeps your family occupied and everyone out of the casinos.

Many would consider living up to the annual expectation of losing B 70,000 a blessing (though I am not one who would).
"Keeps my family occupied"? No not at all. The only person theoretically capable of working the rice fields is my brother in law. Unfortunately his focus is achieving big face and inbibing the white death. Both habits only increase the expense side of the rice ledger.
Good to hear from you guys too. Really enjoyed the day at Hong Kong Gardens, AFL Grand Final, great host and a fun crowd. Thanks all.