Depends. Quite a few I've met live well on their government pension AND their work pensions. I've also met some who seem to do well on just their US Social Security money (around 2K USD a month coming in, plus usually a small work pension). Depends on how they want to live their retirement years here. Rent is cheap enough, food and electric etc, especially if they do not use much air con most days. Most in that level use a motorbike for transport, or bus, tuk tuk, motorbike taxi etc. A couple different guys I know of live in a small decent house right on the beach. Cheap rent too. As long as they have enough in the bank each year for the visa requirements they do alright. 1K USD for living expenses, and around 1K USD saved each month is doable if you are not needing the hiso lifestyle. Once they have the visa money in the bank it just sits there for their yearly visa requirements and they don't touch it, or need to. Many are older and have no Thai families and wives to support. And their hormones at their age are usually no longer raging and requiring much to sate their desires.Do you think so?
Most expats I've met arrived in Thailand before state pension age. Living off their personal wealth. Investments, private pensions, rent from properties in their own countries.
I'd never really considered people living here on govt pension alone. I'd have thought immigration rules would be an issue, for those from UK anyway.
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