UK Pensions

Why not have some fun... :cool:

I understand you can revise your nominated spouse at anytime that you wish and as many times as you want prior to a final clog-popping. :p
Not always. Depends on the employer paying the occupational pension. To prevent "death bed" marriages, some employers require a minimum of 6 or even 12 months marriage. Most but not all occupational pensions will pay the same pension as a widow's pension to a partner. Same rules generally apply, but problems sometimes ensue proving that the claimant really is/was a partner. A Will naming the partner (same address) helps as does a joint bank account and completion of a nomination form (not at the last minute)

Also many occupational widows pensions which usually pay 50% of late husband's pension reduce this where the widow is more than 10/12 years younger than her late husband. Generally 2.5% reduction for each year over 10/12.
Sorry Dave. You are correct.
I recently got that in writing from my pension super fund to confirm that wife or defacto was entitled to 50% after a certain period of time. A combination of the marriage and defacto counts as well.

Watch out for any reduction due to age difference. The details will be included in the pension fund's rules