Working at night. The water you see in the photo is the water table not the reservoir.
I imagine, that like others before him, the PM will fly to Buriram airport on the morning of the 19th. It will be a complete clusterfuck, if past VIP arrivals are anything to go by. Not just 150/200 police, but the bomb squad who will check the entire terminal for anything untoward, and numerous hangers on.
Fortunately my son flies to Bangkok on 18th, although he was at sometime indicating the 19th. The car parking area will be even more full than usual, all seats in the arrival/departure lounge (many recently gone with alterations) will be sat upon by the police waiting for the PM's arrival, and so - in essence - ..f**k those waiting to fly!
I am seeing more reports of government well drilling in the outlying villages.
Great so deplete the groundwater as well. I imagine some will use it to sell drinking water and get it free to sell. Hopefully they will only allow the wells to be used during a drought.
Hopefully they will only allow the wells to be used during a drought.
For Yorky.
สุรินทร์108ดอทคอม สังคม Online ดี ดี ของชาวสุรินทร์
8 mins·
วันนี้ทีมอาสาสมัครส่งน้ำงดส่งน้ำ 1 วันเนื่องจาก มีซ้อมแผน รปภ.นายกรัฐมนตรี
วันนี้ทีมอาสาสมัครส่งน้ำงดส่งน้ำ 1 วันเนื่องจาก มีซ้อมแผน รปภ.นายกรัฐมนตรี
Today, the volunteer team sent water to refrain from sending water for 1 days due to the practice of the security plan. The Prime Minister.
So I told you to know.
The usual bullshit and waste of money.Just back from Buriram airport. One could be excused for thinking it was today the PM was visiting. The airport was crawling with literally hundreds of police, army, bomb squad folk, and many hangers on. Rehearsing perhaps? Why oh why, cannot the PM be installed in a car from the foot of the aircraft steps and never have to enter the terminal? Or walk to a waiting helicoptor? Likewise the accompanying VIPs, whilst other hangers on could enter the terminal..they don't need all the police and others.
I subsequently did some shopping in Buriram and crossed the empty reservoir, that I think the PM will visit tomorrow. Just as with the airport it was full of police and others, whilst tents amd marquees were in course of erection. What is expected of the PM tomorrow? Could he not just pass by and show his face, or will he be rubbing a special lamp following which the reservoir will magically fill?
How many millions of baht is this charade costing? Total nonsense!
Update 2:
When I now spoke with my GF, she said it was 4500 for the drilling, and 8000 for the rest. So in total 12500thb for the whole project so far. About the same as @nomad97.
All require more and more water supplies although, to the best of my knowledge, the reservoir has not changed nor increased its capacity.
Where are they taking all the muck? There doesn't appear to be any vehicles there.