electric bill

Yes, I’ve never seen Playmate of the month ...

You've never seen Lonny Chin from Liverpool?

After all this activity......shopping for spuds, looking for playmates, one will undoubtedly require ELECTRIC to operate the fans and air con to cool one down
Tesco Customer Services desk is the best one in town for processing any bill. The girls know what they are doing when some other places do not have a clue. Like Yorky, my electric and water bills are on direct debit. Billing is usually 2 to 3 weeks after the meter reading.
They did not have photo shop in those days. An artist used an airbrush. That is why they were refereed to as airbrushed beauties.

We had a shop for our photos in the high street, Kodak
Obviously the door to the mancave is closed.
Nice investigation and catch Nomad. ;)
Yorky still remembers their names after thirty years. How sweet. ;;red heart;;

The door to the mancave is always open, I have nothing to hide. However, on this occasion and unbeknown to me I was being watched. I was very surprised that my wife knew some/many English words to describe my depravity. My ears are still ringing from the verbal abuse. :D:D:D
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