Prakhonchai Nick
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With all the recent rain and the current cold spell, surely not much need for a/c I anticipate a lower bill when it comes in a few days
With all the recent rain and the current cold spell, surely not much need for a/c I anticipate a lower bill when it comes in a few days
Electricity charge to rise about 14%
The cost of electricity will rise about 14% to a minimum 5.37 baht per unit between January and April next year on rising fuel costs, the Electricity Regulatory Commission (ERC) warned on Monday.
The ERC had three options - and the increment to 5.37 baht would cost consumers the least. The two other choices were 5.70 baht and 6.03 baht per kilowatt-hour
The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand is subsidising the power charge. At the 5.37-baht rate, Egat would have 122.25 billion baht in losses by the end of April.
The 5.70 baht and 6.03 baht rates would leave Egat with a deficit of 101.88 billion baht and 81.50 billion baht respectively.
Electricity charge to rise about 14%
The cost of electricity will rise about 14% to a minimum 5.37 baht per unit between January and April next year on rising fuel costs, the Electricity Regulatory Commission (ERC) warned on
No discount!!
No. I have one as well, but have never noticed it before!!! The '7' key on my laptop keyboard works in lower case, while '&' works in upper case. If I select Thai as the keyboard language instead of UK English, and then press the same 7 key, the baht symbol appears when the upper case key is pressed: ฿
I have one too, but it took a while to find out how to use it.
Found the left, but it does not change the language for me.Change the language to Thai, then press <shift> 7 then change the language back to English.
For me I find it easier to press this key: View attachment 56437 to change to Thai and back to English.
Found the left, but it does not change the language for me.
Found the left, but it does not change the language for me.