@Coffee, thank you for your kind words. I have not posted about this build before, because I didn't think it would be of interest to anyone else, being such an individual design. I only posted here in guttering, because
@nomad97 wanted to know why I was buying guttering for my rented house!
I will try to answer your questions as succinctly as I can:
Project Management experience: yes
Building Experience: No - just a few renovations over the years
Prior to coming to Surin, I was Chairman of the building committee of a 340 unit condo tower in Pattaya. The building was extremely poorly built and we spent a great deal of time and money trying to fix it. I learnt a lot about how not to build in Thailand. At the same time I was researching building techniques for my own build.
Budget: I did not have an exact budget when I started, because I was still sourcing material prices as the build has gone on, but I expect the house will cost far less than the condo I sold in Pattaya.
At each stage of the build I discuss with the builder what I want him to do next, how I want him to do it, and what materials will to be used. He then gives me a price and we compare that to the price that I had calculated on my spreadsheet.
Currently as the building stands now, when the render is finished, all doors and windows in, I will have spent a little over 2 million.
Having said that the building is far from finished and is turning into a bit of hobby project.
As for it being 3 stories, I see it as 2 stories with an open vented attic space