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Rice, unfortunately the Permatex joint compound you recommended hasn't done the job. It arrived yesterday morning after being ordered on-line (nil stock in Surin) and used to assemble the pipe union and pump inlet. I must admit I was dubious straight away due to the low viscosity of the sealer.
As per instructions, left it 24 hours for it to harden (solvent to evaporate). Fired up the pump a short while ago.
NBG - see below. F*ck, f*ck, f*ck. Back to the f*cking drawing board....
I admit defeat and will ask Taen, our local boilermaker / heavy equipment mechanic, who originally diagnosed the problem, to take over.
Shaking my head while I walk away...
Possibly the problem is bonding PVC to cast-iron metal opposed to glueing (bonding) PVC to PVC.
(I'm not an expert...a plumber should know. Operative word - should.)
Sounds as though Taen is your man. ;-)