Choam Sa Ngam International Point of Entry.


Kap Chong R Us Member
As the title says that is what its called on both side. Was not planning on doing my border hop today BUT SWMBO had other ides sooooooo. As it turned out it was veeeeeery informative and worth while. 70 km from our home in KC. The biggest cluster fork was going through the Chong Chome Market area on the 214.:eek: There is a SECURED parking area just to the right of the crossing. Ask the the army personal and they will open the gate and let you in cost is 50 baht. ALL enter and exit points for Thailand and Cambodia are within 60 meters of each other.:eek: I was dropped off at the parking lot entrance with the Thai departure point directly across the street about 30 meters, there were 5 of us. I am not fast but I do get there as I walk with a cain. There is no traffic at this crossing to speak of. As we enter the side walk heading toward the departure I was gob smacked...:D:D:D out comes Thai Immigration with a wheelchair an assistant and a PHOTOGRAPHER. They must have taken 20 or so photos of them assisting me so if you see a short, old chubby farang man with a cain in a wheelchair being assisted by immigration in the media, guess who.:rolleyes: They told the wife to keep it and go to the casino if we wanted.:D At this point it was across the street to the Khmer side without the wheelchair. Everything at this crossing and I do mean EVERYTHING is on the same level with NO potholes and is brand new. The Cambodia Visa window is directly in back of the departure window. As I have heard and been told the visa was only 1200 baht, back around to the departure window forum filled out and passport stamped for exit, NO EXTRA SCAM MONEY. Total cost for me was 1200 baht a far cry from 1800 baht at Choeng Chom. AND the wife and the girls only paid 10 baht not the 50 like at CC. SWMBO escorted me back to the Thai Immigration arrival entry point about 60 meters. Got to talking to the Thai IO's and that 600 baht that was saved.. a Thai IO got me a case of Angkor beer for 400 baht and delivered to our truck on his motor cycle.

Talking with This Immigratio aka Si Sa Khet, they told me that sometime next year they expect a highway bypass to go in for killer hill and the crossing to be opened for cars. I could see some major construction on the road so something is up. There is a grate coffee shop with a fantastic view at the top of the pass.


Enclosing :rolleyes: IMO..My next border hops will be done at CSN. The Thai and Khmer Immigration are professionals and are not ripping you off. As far as I'm concerned the only thing that Chong Chome has going for it is the ease of driving a car into Cambodia and public transpiration from Surin to the crossing and transportation from there to SR. As for Chong Chome you can add it to CHUMPS list of SHITHOLES.:rolleyes::D
I love this border crossing, haven’t done it for a few years.

We started the Isaan Angkor Tours through here in the early days because the border to Siem Reap road was much better than the Chong Chom road. We had a great relationship with Cambodian immigration and often brought them small gifts.

Nick was usually photographed because they rarely experienced anyone wth Permanent Residency.
To add. We were there about 1 hour. After SWMBO dropped me back at Thai Immigration she and her merry bunch of misfits went to a very small Khmer market about 100 meters inside and directly infront of the casino. She said the casino was shit, her words.:D I saw two older about 60ish farangs , man and women pedaling arse on bikes into Cambodia checking in. I saw two silver streak vans go across to the casino, most were stoping and letting passengers off on the Thai side. Also saw two 22 wheelers cross from Cambodia into Thailand. Photos that I took were around the corner of the Thai arrival office because there was a CC directly infront and taken photos were a no,no.

Is there any transport available from there to Siem Reap?

There wasn't when we used the crossing regularly some 4/5 years sgo. We always ordered transport from Siem Reap to collect our group and return them. They saw very few farangs, and on one of our first trips they had ran out of TM6's. Fortunately it was only the Thais that needed them, and all was put in order when they returned.

I recall on one occasion when we sent 3 people to Siem Reap, but did not go ourselves. I collected them at the border on the return journey, and they had clearly brought back more than the permitted amount of alcohol. No problem -they were waved through. Not so fortunate however were 2 of my saffron robed "friends" They were body searched as well as having their bags opened up.
Nice read GL. Beautiful people, the Cambodians! Best visa of the lot you're using....not difficult to go in and out and something to do. I loved the trips into Siem Reap nearly every month.

Totally agree Surin. Back again to Siem Reap on 12th Feb for 3 nights. If anyone interested we still have 4 places left on our Valentines Tour.
Is there any transport available from there to Siem Reap?

Nick pretty much covered this. The only suggestion I could make it you need to go yourself to the crossing with your wife and ask not on the Thai side BUT on the Cambodian side. I suggest you give the casino ago for info and possible the small market area in front of the casino. This crossing is far from being develop like Chong Chom and has aways to go . You do not have the numbers crossing over either way. Yesterday I saw only 1 couple on their push touring bikes check in at the Cambodian desk. Another example..There used to be a very small market on the Thai side back about 1km from the crossing. That market was torn down and is now the parking lost for the silver streak. Back up the the road about 3 km is a very large government complete it is here that a multi million baht customs yard has been built and sets empty (cart before the horse) next to it is the old Si Sa Ket Immigration office which is closed. Across from this closed office is where that market was relocated. The market is only opened at night and by it looks it to would makes CHUMPS SHITHOLE list. I have heard and seen rumors that it may be possible to get transportation for what you want but even now there is no scheduled local transport on the Thai side. This crossing is out in the sticks and that is what makes it a great place for border hops and puts Chong Chom to shame. Side note..Make sure your petrol tank is full I saw NO stations tell we got back to the Chong Chom Market and thats about 60km.
Is there any transport available from there to Siem Reap?

Just hit me.:eek: Another place to ask is on the Thai side at the ticket both for the secured parking. This lot is to your right and just inside the the last army checkpoint This lost is where we parked and is on top of Thai Immigration which made for handy delivery of a flat of Angkor beer..:yum::yum: This lot is a secured parking area and I thank it was 40 baht they just might know of someone for transportation to SR.
Good point about the casino... that wasn't built in our time; there will likely be more transport options because of the casino.

Last time I went through there was when Thaksin was speaking at a rally in Siem Reap. Hoards of Thais returning through the border at the same time as me.... didn't see many TM6's being shown.
Good point about the casino... that wasn't built in our time; there will likely be more transport options because of the casino.

Last time I went through there was when Thaksin was speaking at a rally in Siem Reap. Hoards of Thais returning through the border at the same time as me.... didn't see many TM6's being shown.

Speaking of which Thai Immigration at this crossing except the old TM6 and the Cambodian side except the forms that say O'Smach.:D
Good point about the casino... that wasn't built in our time; there will likely be more transport options because of the casino.

Last time I went through there was when Thaksin was speaking at a rally in Siem Reap. Hoards of Thais returning through the border at the same time as me.... didn't see many TM6's being shown.

They would have ben day trippers. No TM6's needed. I believe for overnight stays in Cambodia, Thais require passports and thereby a TM6
The TM6 requirement for Thais was done away with 1st of August last year. This is at ALL Thai Immigration Check Points. As for staying overnight aka casinos a Thai from Surin on their ID can visit for a short visit aka overnight to Oddar Meanchey Provience in Cambodia WBTW takes in Chong Chom and Chong Sa Ngom crossing.
The TM6 requirement for Thais was done away with 1st of August last year. This is at ALL Thai Immigration Check Points. As for staying overnight aka casinos a Thai from Surin on their ID can visit for a short visit aka overnight to Oddar Meanchey Provience in Cambodia WBTW takes in Chong Chom and Chong Sa Ngom crossing.

Noted. I recall that. However Thais presumably still require passports other than for day trips to the border casinos