electric bill

I don't know how you lot do it. I think I am paying for the whole street sometimes. Second lowest bill for the year - 3300 baht!

Same here Nomad, my latest bill is 3074 baht after a concerted effort to persuade the family to cut back too!
Same here Nomad, my latest bill is 3074 baht after a concerted effort to persuade the family to cut back too!
Don't I know it. The 'girls' keep complaining that I nag too much. "Shut that door! Turn off those lights!" And now, as of yesterday and as an economy measure, I bought a new, smaller, inverter air con for the mancave. Then I will not need to run the larger 18,000 BTU unit in the living room to keep my mancave ,sorry I should say Igloo, cool.

Ours was 548 baht. As this is only 60 baht more than the previous month, and it is the first full month I have been here, my lovely wife's doom & gloom prediction about how high the power will be when I am here has failed to materialize. Now we do have air con, but she absolutely never uses it except during Songkran when the relatives are here...then she gets pressured into turning it on. I can hardly wait...c'mon April!

I have used aircon in the bedroom for a total of 4 hours to date (this year). My wife had the aircon on in the lounge for about 2 hours yesterday evening (first time this year).
Jesus Nomad - have you got a shop there ?
Its Adam's fault. I have a bitcoin mining operation in full swing. LOL!

It surprised me too, the bill that is, I was expecting somewhere around the 4,000 mark. I guess its the main air con that is using the juice - its 13 years old and not very efficient. Time for a new one very soon.
Most of the residents of Surin appear to have their meter read and bill delivered around the same time of the month, i.e. about now. One has to wonder what the meter reader does for the rest of the month?
My rotten bill ranged from 6k to 8k baht and during the real hot weather Apri to June there was not much change out of 10,000 baht.