electric bill

Calculator works well. I made a profit of 2bt last month on the numbers.
I did notice that my standing charge is for a 15amp supply, whereas I upgraded to a 45amp supply many years ago.
Calculator works well. I made a profit of 2bt last month on the numbers.
I did notice that my standing charge is for a 15amp supply, whereas I upgraded to a 45amp supply many years ago.
I think you are talking about one and the same supply. To the best of my knowledge there are 2 standards of domestic supply: 5/15 A and 15/45 A. In your case you have the second 15 amp /45 amps single phase supply, usually adequate for most domestic houses with air con and modern appliances. After that you would need to go up to a 3 phase supply system. See: https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1007178-correct-meter/ for discussion. I am quite sure Rice can fill in all the technical details.
I think you are talking about one and the same supply. To the best of my knowledge there are 2 standards of domestic supply: 5/15 A and 15/45 A.

There is also a single phase 30/100 Amp supply available. I am given to understand that there are two different meters (or two different standing charges) for the meters. Which supplies require which meter, I am not sure. There's only about Bht 9.00 difference/month anyway.

electric meter s.jpg
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Calculator works well. I made a profit of 2bt last month on the numbers.
I did notice that my standing charge is for a 15amp supply, whereas I upgraded to a 45amp supply many years ago.

I believe, rightly or wrongly, that the standing monthly charge increases (by Bht 9.00) after 15 amps (as detailed in the first number). That is 5(15), 15(45), 30(100).
Maybe look at solar Electricity
Have it back home in Australia now getting my electricity free and in Credit now , last bill free electricity for the month and $3.50 in credit.
Not sure if you can do it in thailand now .
There doesn't seem to be much interest in installing solar electricity here, as they say that the cost takes too long to recover when evaluated against the relatively small bills. I'm not sure if you can feed any surplus back into the public supply for invoicing or for credit against future bills. My bills range from a minimum of 4k to 6.5k baht per month, higher than some SF members pay, and would have had it installed 3 years ago when the house was built. I'm not sure if a retro-fit would be a practical consideration.

This recent article may be helpful: https://pugnatorius.com/solar-energy-update-2017/
There doesn't seem to be much interest in installing solar electricity here, as they say that the cost takes too long to recover when evaluated against the relatively small bills. I'm not sure if you can feed any surplus back into the public supply for invoicing or for credit against future bills. My bills range from a minimum of 4k to 6.5k baht per month, higher than some SF members pay, and would have had it installed 3 years ago when the house was built. I'm not sure if a retro-fit would be a practical consideration.

This recent article may be helpful: https://pugnatorius.com/solar-energy-update-2017/
My bills are of a similar order - 3,500 to 5,000 baht per month. I am quite sure the capital cost of solar electric installation is not cost-effective without Government subsidy.
Maybe look at solar Electricity
Have it back home in Australia now getting my electricity free and in Credit now , last bill free electricity for the month and $3.50 in credit.
Not sure if you can do it in thailand now .

Isn't the royal family tied into solar power in someway ?
A Thai tennis friend of mine has fairly recently built a weekend cottage in his family’s village near Buriram. The whole roof area is covered in solar panels and I am fairly sure he has talked about selling power into the grid. I will find out more about the terms. He is a bit of a VIP and can no doubt afford the terms to indulge his green ambitions.
A Thai tennis friend of mine has fairly recently built a weekend cottage in his family’s village near Buriram. The whole roof area is covered in solar panels and I am fairly sure he has talked about selling power into the grid. I will find out more about the terms. He is a bit of a VIP and can no doubt afford the terms to indulge his green ambitions.

A Thai tennis friend of mine has fairly recently built a weekend cottage in his family’s village near Buriram. The whole roof area is covered in solar panels and I am fairly sure he has talked about selling power into the grid. I will find out more about the terms. He is a bit of a VIP and can no doubt afford the terms to indulge his green ambitions.
He could have solar batteries?.
Not sure thailand has the interest structure to put it back in to the grid , you need smart meters .
Could be wrong.