Surin Weather 2022 - 2023

We are more concerned, at this point, about the car, albeit with full comprehensive insurance.
Pat has just gone with our neighbour to check out the water level as, it has fallen significantly overnight.
The water damage downstairs will be easily repairable.
Pat has already contacted the car insurer, wait and see.


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I haven't been out. Perhaps you will let us know what you find?

The level of water at my drum hasn't changed today.
I haven't been out. Perhaps you will let us know what you find?

The level of water at my drum hasn't changed today.
Apart from where the village soi joins the 226 (opposite the old Index) where there was 30 cm of water (3 lanes), with water all the way to the ring road intersection at Robinson's, the roads were dry all the way into town and back. The Town center appears dry, with no lying water anywhere. I suspect the water is on the 293 ring road from Robinson's, past DoHome, and past the Government Service Center. Similarly, I expect the road coming into town from DoHome past Big C is flooded on the Tesco side. City Land always got the worst of the runoff from the reservoirs, as does your area and the paddy lands between us. The lake is still as high as it has been for the past few days.
I haven't been out. Perhaps you will let us know what you find?

The level of water at my drum hasn't changed today.

When I say it hasn't changed it appears to vary up and down by about 20 mm. If they are bleeding water off from the reservoirs they are regulating the bleed far more sensibly than they did in 2013 (allegedly).
The forecast for my Tambun is "Thunderstorms" for today until next Thirstday then "Rain Showers". The water level only dropped 20mm overnight.
Share.... grammatically perfect other than that.

I am just waiting for Rice to "should of" or "could of" again :wink:
I am an engineer, notorious shite at grammar and spelling, not to mention hand writing. My Thai hand writing is no different to my English. Both shite.
For the record being an Engineer contractions such as could’ve are not generally used in academic and scientific writing, as they can lead to confusion by the reader. In my defense I was taught not to use contractions. No offense taken by the way. It must be one of your pet hates @CO-CO. We all have them. :)
I am an engineer, notorious shite at grammar and spelling, not to mention hand writing. My Thai hand writing is no different to my English. Both shite.
For the record being an Engineer contractions such as could’ve are not generally used in academic and scientific writing, as they can lead to confusion by the reader. In my defense I was taught not to use contractions. No offense taken by the way. It must be one of your pet hates @CO-CO. We all have them. :)

Last month I couldn't spell Engineer now I are one.