Thai Immigration new front page.

It does take too much imagination to see how the immigration police can home in on farangs who are staying illegally. They are getting out and about everyday to see farangs who have applied for an extension of stay. From my recent personnal experience, when they pay their house calls as part of the extension approval process, they are more interested in talking with the Thai people who have been called to vouch for the farang than with the farang himself. Surely, it would be all too easy to ask if there were any other farangs staying around the area and to feed said information through their computers to find out who had not reported in to KCI. In addition, the Peu Yai Baan would have a pretty good idea of who was residing within his area of responsibility and that information could easily be crossed checked against their computer databases too. With all the data that is now collected at the point of entry and exit, coupled with data collected from home visits and Immigration centers, the automated cross-referencing computer systems, the likelyhood of suspects being found out for illegal overstay increases daily. Its only a matter of time before they are all found. Agree with GL - the 'illegals' only make our life more difficult than it could or should be.
To satisfy your troll attitude I'm not about to jeopardize my sources which btw are impeccable. Its **** as such that is making thing ruff on all of us that have to deal with KCI.

I was in no way asking you to divulge your information sources. I was asking how they were caught and under what circumstances (and if you find this a "troll attitude" you are somewhat ill informed).

Up to now there have been no other published reports (AFAIK) of these two arrests.
At a guess, how many "overstayers" would you guess are in the jurisdiction of Kab Choeng Immigration?

I used to know at least 5 but 3 of those are already dead.
If I divulge any more it would and will jeopardize my source therefor thats it. End Off. Take the above info as fact that Thai Immigration is NOT forking about on this subject.
It does ('nt?) take too much imagination to see how the immigration police can home in on farangs who are staying illegally.

There you go then! They've caught 2 in 7 months!

Nomad, they could do the same "homing in" by just visiting villages and the respective Puy Yai baans without needing to bring us (legitimates) into the equation.

Please don't call other well known members trolls. We spend a lot of time keeping the likes of them out of this forum virtually daily!
At a guess, how many "overstayers" would you guess are in the jurisdiction of Kab Choeng Immigration?
I used to know at least 5 but 3 of those are already dead.

I would venture there are over 50 "over-stayers" within KCI's jurisdiction...meaning have not renewed their extensions in a timely manner.

There are many more that are in violation of the letter of the law regarding immigration statutes (ie: work , marriage) discussed in previous threads.
It does take too much imagination to see how the immigration police can home in on farangs who are staying illegally. They are getting out and about everyday to see farangs who have applied for an extension of stay. From my recent personnal experience, when they pay their house calls as part of the extension approval process, they are more interested in talking with the Thai people who have been called to vouch for the farang than with the farang himself. Surely, it would be all too easy to ask if there were any other farangs staying around the area and to feed said information through their computers to find out who had not reported in to KCI. In addition, the Peu Yai Baan would have a pretty good idea of who was residing within his area of responsibility and that information could easily be crossed checked against their computer databases too. With all the data that is now collected at the point of entry and exit, coupled with data collected from home visits and Immigration centers, the automated cross-referencing computer systems, the likelyhood of suspects being found out for illegal overstay increases daily. Its only a matter of time before they are all found. Agree with GL - the 'illegals' only make our life more difficult than it could or should be.

This makes good sense, Nomad. I haven't had a visitation by IOs yet, but did have one from Krasang police. That is actually what he did.... asked about other farangs in the neighbourhood.
This makes good sense, Nomad. I haven't had a visitation by IOs yet, but did have one from Krasang police. That is actually what he did.... asked about other farangs in the neighbourhood.

And no doubt when the policeman saw another farang in the neigbourhood he was informed about you. Cross-checking and cross-referencing - all too easy with computer systems.
And no doubt when the policeman saw another farang in the neigbourhood he was informed about you. Cross-checking and cross-referencing - all too easy with computer systems.

When you received the "visitation" (and I accept that you will need to ask SWMBO) were you/was she asked about other farangs in the neighbourhood?

If you were, I hope you didn't mention me!
When you received the "visitation" (and I accept that you will need to ask SWMBO) were you/was she asked about other farangs in the neighbourhood?

If you were, I hope you didn't mention me!

And there was me thinking you had 'fingered' me!
Reminds me of a statement by Chelsea Tony on Farcebook - "I was gonna say i do enjoy bishop's finger now and again but that's only in Kent".

He's never clarified that.
This makes good sense, Nomad. I haven't had a visitation by IOs yet, but did have one from Krasang police. That is actually what he did.... asked about other farangs in the neighbourhood.

I have policemen living two doors away on both sides of my house. In 15 years neither of them have asked me (nor my wife) anything about my visa status nor about any other Farangs who live in the village (or anywhere else for that matter).

[Including you Nomad]
I would venture there are over 50 "over-stayers" within KCI's jurisdiction...meaning have not renewed their extensions in a timely manner.

There are many more that are in violation of the letter of the law regarding immigration statutes (ie: work , marriage) discussed in previous threads.

So Coffee, how many of the latter do you think have been "caught" within the latest clamp down?

[Edit: Obviously not the two that GL reported because they were overstayers]
Maybe Inspector Coffee's already checked you out,Y ? (Joke).
I guess they might also find a few guys who are on marriage visa's still, after the teerak's run away to join another circus?

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Maybe Inspector Coffee's already checked you out,Y ? (Joke).
I guess they might also find a few guys who are on marriage visa's still, after the teerak's run away to join another circus?

Yes, of course there are. They question is: how many have been caught in the last 7 months?
And, unless I'm mistaken (which I am usually) isn't it a requirement of KCI that your wife is in attendance when applying for an extension of stay based upon marriage?

And; that is a requirement for an extension of stay based upon marriage to a Thai. If you are applying for an extension based upon retirement then to where your wife has buggered off should not be relevant.
Maybe Inspector Coffee's already checked you out,Y ? (Joke).
I guess they might also find a few guys who are on marriage visa's still, after the teerak's run away to join another circus?

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Just generalising but your visa situation could have been interesting I suppose. Not sure whether it applied to you Ivor, but in event of a divorce is the marriage extension immediately null and void ?