Thai Immigration new front page.

I am "under consideration" for a retirement extension until the 24th January.
As I have a 90 day report due on the 21st, I telephoned KCI this afternoon to ask if I could go there on the 21st to complete both matters.
I was spoken to in very reasonable English, was asked for the reference number on my under consideration stamp and, in just a few seconds, was told, yes, no problem, come on Thursday to do both. All very friendly and efficient.
I will report after turning up there on Thursday and let you know if all turns out as easy as they made it sound.
As you have a window of 22 days to report your 90 days (-15 +7) it should be no problem.

[Edit: in the past I've arranged my 90 day report for the latter part of said window to align my "application for extension of stay" to coincide. if you report every 92 days then 4 reports add up to 368 days which is pretty close to one year].
I can only surmise that IMM visited with you & Mam at your home. Would I be correct ?
I can only surmise that IMM visited with you & Mam at your home. Would I be correct ?
Yes, we had the visit almost a month ago. Very polite and friendly. No problems at all. It was one of the visiting officers that suggested I telephoned a few days before the date stamp in my passport to see if all had been approved and showed me what reference number to quote when I called.
Yes, we had the visit almost a month ago. Very polite and friendly. No problems at all. It was one of the visiting officers that suggested I telephoned a few days before the date stamp in my passport to see if all had been approved and showed me what reference number to quote when I called.

I appreciate that this may start another nonsensical argument but I have to ask the question John.

Were either you or your wife asked about other Farangs in your village or elsewhere of whom you were aware who may be overstaying their legitimate visas or extensions?
I appreciate that this may start another nonsensical argument but I have to ask the question John.

Were either you or your wife asked about other Farangs in your village or elsewhere of whom you were aware who may be overstaying their legitimate visas or extensions?
Absolutely not.
Following up from my earlier post 42 above, we went to KCI this morning. After a leisurely start, we arrived at 10h45. The main office was busy, only one seat remaining for me and grandson to share, the missus opting to stay in the car and gather her strength for Chong Chom later.
After only 10 minutes or so, one officer asked for my business, which I explained, and then took my passport and began processing it.
Grandson became somewhat bored and began investigating the office. He soon discovered the ticket dispenser for the automatic queue system, which, as usual, was not functioning. .....the system that is, the ticket machine was! He had claimed 4 tickets for extensions and one for a 90m day report and had the entire office laughing aloud, including 3 of the 4 immigration officers present. I told him he would be in trouble with the police if he took any more tickets and the mirthless fourth officer confirmed my view by saying "mai dai!".
Grandson then focussed on the festive balloons still hanging from the ceiling and his desire for one became so great that I had to take him outside to look at the ducks and geese.
The officer who had been processing my passport came out to find us shortly afterwards and told me they were ready for the final stage. He asked me to bring my wife in too. We were placed all together in front of the big boss sitting at the corner desk and after a few pleasantries he signed off my visa extension and we were on our way. 45 minutes in total.
Things to note include......the taking of the others have commented, I can't see the need for it for a retirement extension....nonetheless they seems to like it! The other recommendation I have is to take along a cute two year old if have one available.
I know exactly the right kid to borrow, but I won't need her distraction while I keep extending my visa at my Pattaya address.
How much is it to borrow your grandson for the morning?
LOL, Colin. I might be accused of trafficking!

One thing I left out of my report was that, just as we were leaving, an officer drew my attention to a two-sided notice standing by the main entrance and suggested I photograph it for future reference. It dealt with doing 90 day reports on-line. They seem to be pushing it. I wonder if anyone is having any greater success these days?
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Just had a chat with a KCI IO. I was told by him that 10 so far this year have been round up as overstayers by KCI and sent to IDC in Bangkok.:eek:

I don't know if I should feel sorry for these guys or not. On the one hand, I have to feel sorry for the families that will be left behind probably because they have insufficient funds to get themselves legal. On the other, these over stayers make life more difficult and onerous for those of us that do meet the financial criteria for long stay. Further, I doubt very much that they didn't know the consequences of their actions (or inactions) and, now that they have been found out, they will have to pay the price and leave Thailand, possibly never to return.

P.S. 10 over stayers in the first 3 weeks of the year is a high number. I wonder what the tally will be by year's end?