Thai Immigration new front page.

Co-Co, how he survives on THB 8,000 I can not...(cont)...
What Thailand is basically saying is if you are indigent or don't have the money - Please return to your own nation to live. Is that so hard to understand ?

Shouldn't he be "crowd funding" for his plane ticket home ?

I understand it's pretty miserable in the UK if you're not on the dole and have no money. Anyhow it's winter there so he might stay on for another month in BKK, eh. Poor sod.
The IDC sounds rather restrictive and bleak. I don't think I would enjoy a short holiday in there before returning to my country of birth.

I wouldn't enjoy any time behind bars in a cage anywhere in the world. Life is short. Why make it shorter?
The IDC is still at the old Immigration centre in Suan Pru road just of Sattorn. It is a real dive. There was a suspect 70 year old Aussie in there for over 10 years. He would not tell anyone where he was from and chose to stay there until the day he died. Which he did. A mate of mine in Australia that is a prison guard, visits the centre and other jails in Thailand handing out small amount of aid and moral support for foreigners banged up. He knew that fellow that spent over 10 years in Suan Pru. That it is a true story.
Bloody terrible situation to get yourself into with so many other folk just walking Into countries and being given a new life better Than their wildest dreams.

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