electric bill

2,153. Most of it I suspect due to my a/c but as I’m payin’ ...
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6083.22 thb, and 38.8 degC outside just now. Yes, the aircon is on, and inside it is 31.4 degC and falling.
I received the bill which was much higher than normal so I switched bills with the blind lady next door.

I know she won't see it and it will be a helluva surprise whenever she wants me to drive her to the PEA shoppe.

I'll just explain to her that she probably had all the lights turned on in the house and that I had found her refrigerater wide open cooling her three one-point-five-litre water bottles. :D
With the heat of recent months, and even today, I find my shower water is more than warm without turning on the electric. Suggest Nomad turns off the shower circuit(s) at the consumer unit. Unlikely they will know how to switch it back on.:D
With the heat of recent months, and even today, I find my shower water is more than warm without turning on the electric. Suggest Nomad turns off the shower circuit(s) at the consumer unit. Unlikely they will know how to switch it back on.:D
Both my wife and myself had a talk with our daughters about the hot water a couple of days ago. My wife pleads the 5th and says it's her daughters. Her daughter's categorically state it's not them either. I am the one that always turn down the the thermostat on the water heater so I know its not me. Par for the course in this house - it's Miss Nobody! :D:D:D

P.S. Switch off at the mains you say - pretty good idea.
With the heat of recent months, and even today, I find my shower water is more than warm without turning on the electric. Suggest Nomad turns off the shower circuit(s) at the consumer unit. Unlikely they will know how to switch it back on.:D

I only move the thermostat off zero in December and January.
The sparks who installed the wiring in my house originally got the breaker list a little wrong. I keep meaning to rectify it but never have. If I ever need to hot wire anything, I shut the whole thing down.