electric bill

Having confirmed that the new meter (fitted about 6 month ago) was working, today they came to replace it "just in case"

So the meter reading guy will not be able to read my meter later this month because "somebody had changed the meter" ;;cry;;

Posted pictures of the old and new meters so that the meter reading guy could give us a bill.


Meter reading guy arrived to tell us that the new meter was for solar and could not be turned backwards, however it hadn't moved since installation.

He tested to confirm that power was coming into the meter, but as it wasn't moving was obviously broken so he could not give us a bill.

With that he f**ked off down the road!

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Thank goodness for the meter deposit return scheme. Why ?

Well "Just" ,,I have always loved that word. Could you just do the impossible for me. Just !
I used to get outrageous requests from scientists all the time and they always started with 'Just"

Well anyway just get on the web site and register your account and ID card. Well doing that comes up with your data has been accepted but there is a problem contact PEA.
We go to PEA and they tell us 'Just" use the web site. We tell them It just does not work. One young man does not beleive so in a huff he inputs the data himself. Hmm same message.
His advice was please go away it is too hard. I jest you not. On to the counter supervisor. She pulled an amazing story about meters being hung on different poles and being shared and we had our own pole so please go away it is too hard. Seriously what the Fork. It was at this stage that my poor wife had been brow beaten and wanted to retire to lick her wounds. Instead nasty husband told her I don't know f**k off is not an appropriate answer and demand a real answer. I would of accepted anything at this stage that sounded vaugely logical. Now encountering my very riled wife they said "Really the big boss is not in"
They made an appointment for the very next day.

The very next day comes, we hold our breath behind our face masks and once again look for answers. Did that message on the screen say contact PEA. What a farce the first day was when we did.
This time seeing the big boss lady she actually looked the account up and got to the bottom of the story.

She pointed to an 4 digit code on the power bill this indicates in the first digit the category of supply the type and so on. My first number was 8. How stupid was I. There it was right in front of me the whole time. ?????????????

Why didn't I know what this 4 digit code was and what the 8 categories of supply was. When the good lord handed out this info I must of skipped the line or something.
For the last FIVE years I had been paying temporary building site rate. Not nobody, not the meter reader not the counter staff not the engineer I am mates with, noboddy ever mentioned this.

I had an inkling some five years ago when I sent my mrs in to register the tabian baan, but guess what it was never done and they just added the billing address to the account without removing the temporary status.
Well then the bashing of terminal keys started, it went on for a full two hours until my mrs was told you know there is a fee. Cough up 700 Baht.
You thought that was it didn't you. Another bashing of terminal keys for yet another hour.
Then the final terminal enter key. KA CHING! 20,000 Baht was spat out for all deposits on the system. I almost fainted.

Now here is the crunching mystery. They could not tell me what category rate I was on as it still had to be final processed by the big boss in Surin city.

I have a copy of the full categories 1 - 8 their rates and conditions. I am an expert now and I never wanted to be.
Well paying that high flat rate for five years was not as bad as it sounds I probably paid on average of 1/3 more then category 1. Mind you I still have no idea what category I will be on until I get the next bill but it cannot be more then I was paying as cat 8 is the highest rate of 6.8/ kWh flat rate.

If you don't know I have a unique type of power supply. I tapped into a 6 KVA high tension 3 phase line. The price difference between 3 phase and single was negligible so I went with that.
I had nobody else to compare notes with and had thought that was the way of the world that rate. I was told having a system like that if we ever had a rush of blood and attempted something like Mrs @gotlost after accreditation you could get your power for nothing. Which I am sure The R us ranch is working towards.

All you guys knew about the 4 digit code and the 8 categories didn't you?
Maybe @Surin Robert knew as he had a similar power system.

Now if the meter deposit thing was never a thing this would of continued for ever me thinks.
My May electric bill finally arrived. 5,378Baht.. Seems they have however charged VAT twice.

Along with it came a revised bill for April, reducing the original from 7,187Bhat to 4,805Baht :smiley:
Visit to PEA Melon Farm today to see the big boss. Turns out he is working from home today :rolleyes: Spoke to him on the phone and he arranged for us to have a meeting with him and the Manager of the meter reading team tomorrow. Apparently only the Manager of the meter reading team has the authority to tell meter readers to stop complaining that our meter is broken and give us a zero unit bill!
Last month's bill (April) was 1,758.06 Baht ........................payment taken and receipt provided for 1,686.56 baht

This months bill fabricated down to the same amount 1,686.56 Baht.
Posted pictures of the old and new meters so that the meter reading guy could give us a bill.


Meter reading guy arrived to tell us that the new meter was for solar and could not be turned backwards, however it hadn't moved since installation.

He tested to confirm that power was coming into the meter, but as it wasn't moving was obviously broken so he could not give us a bill.

With that he f**ked off down the road!

On his electric scooter?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Went to pay our Electric bill at Tesco today, the bill seemed (to me) to show 3143.41, the cashier told Wood you have to pay only 71.11 baht.
Sounded good to me I just hope they don't reverse it next month
I had a similar reduction on my bill. It started off at over 6,000 baht and was later reduced to only 4,300 baht. My wife explained there was a small discount of a hundred baht or so but the big was reduction was due to being overcharged on the previous bill. The overcharge was refunded on this month's bill.