KCI extension today.

It would be a pleasant change if someone responded sensibly to the serious query about Immigration being closed over the next few days instead of useless banter
I'm due a visit this week and no wife to ask

I was due to visit 30th June to collect my extension. On the way out they said "come 29 we are closed 30th"........... 1st July is a bank holiday ....... Immigration website says they are closed on 'official holidays'.
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It would be a pleasant change if someone responded sensibly to the serious query about Immigration being closed over the next few days instead of useless banter
I'm due a visit this week and no wife to ask

SWMBO just got off the phone with KCI and it is confirmed KCI is OPEN this Friday July 1, 2016.:D:D:D
I was due to visit 30th June to collect my extension. On the way out they said "come 20 we are closed 30th"........... 1st July is a bank holiday ....... Immigration website says they are closed on 'official holidays'.

Must be that champagne again........

However, have you already had your "visitation" CO-CO?
It would be a pleasant change if someone responded sensibly to the serious query about Immigration being closed over the next few days instead of useless banter
I'm due a visit this week and no wife to ask

Yorky's post # 143 stated "closed Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday..."

In post # 157 he provides an update that corrects his original statement. I believe his post # 157 is closer to the truth.

But since you BigA require a visit to KCI - why don't you simply do a bit of homework and contact them yourself.
Then you can report back on your findings.
(That way no one will get blamed for making an incorrect statement and there will be little to no banter.)
My wife has been on a website (in Thai) which states that they are closed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, open Friday and Saturday, closed Sunday and Monday. WTF is all that about.

:confused: Post the link from KCI and I'll run it by a translator.

{Or maybe one must ask as to which website your wife received her info from.}
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She is unable to locate the site on my laptop and I am not aware of how to "print screen" on these smartphones so unfortunately I had to photograph her screen. And here it is:

KCI Holiday.jpg

Make of it as you wish.
Given that it was 19:30 and only using ambient light and the phone's backlight, that image was quite reasonable (IMO).
An idea ,Yorky : when they visit you show them what is showing up on their website and ask them 'WTF' in a polite fashion...(or ask your Mrs to do).

(Possibly it's left over from Songkraan.) Maybe they don't update their website correctly and thoroughly.

I'll check a bit more and post if I receive a proper reply.
An idea ,Yorky : when they visit you show them what is showing up on their website and ask them 'WTF' in a polite fashion...(or ask your Mrs to do).

As I've stated before on this forum, I am not prepared to rock the boat when it involves my permission to stay in Thailand. "Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir". And my misses would not argue with anyone in a uniform.

[Edit: She didn't even ask why the landline wasn't working all morning!]
Must be that champagne again........

However, have you already had your "visitation" CO-CO?

A police officer visited twice (allegedly on behalf of Immigration) and on the occasion that I was here he took a couple of photographs.

Nobody has been in contact as a direct result of my extension application a month ago.
Re: post # 172

In that case...don't worry , be happy. :yum:

If you don't want to try to get an answer to own question...then who am I to pursue it ?

You're right - f**k it - it is just Land of Smiles. :)
So f**kin' smile and stop gripping, whinging or complaining.
(After all it's your life.) ;)
Actually I didn't state that. I commented that my wife had read that in Thai on a website. I asked "WTF is all that about?".
Thank you Yorky. I understood perfectly that your info was from your wife and from a Thai based website. Your post was informative and questioning. Subsequent supercilious (smart arse) responses from others are rather unhelpful.
No matter....I'll go tomorrow anyway and report back
So f**kin' smile and stop gripping, whinging or complaining.
(After all it's your life.) ;)

I don't see that attempting to obtain accurate information regarding the process required to legally continue your extended stay in Thailand could be considered gripping(?), whinging or complaining. The first point of obtaining said information is, of course, KCI itself, but given that their landlines (I assume) were down for at least 4 hours today, I thought there may be a remote chance that persons on this forum may have a possible answer/solution. Unfortunately I hadn't considered you, Coffee.
Thank you Yorky. I understood perfectly that your info was from your wife and from a Thai based website. Your post was informative and questioning. Subsequent supercilious (smart arse) responses from others are rather unhelpful.
No matter....I'll go tomorrow anyway and report back

Hopefully you'll find KCI open and operational.

Have a safe journey and the forum will await your report.

Possibly this week Yorky will report as well on his 'residence visit' from Immigration Officer(s).